Jenifer McGuire har på sin blog startet en indsamling af kort til syge børn og deres familier. Jeg synes det var så sød en tanke, at jeg har lavet et kort til hver af børnene, der lider af en alvorlig sygdom. Tænk hvis man med et kort og en hilsen helt fra Danmark kan være med til at muntre et lille barn op. Har du nogle søde børnekort liggende eller har du tid og lyst til at lave et par stykker? Du kan her læse om børnene og om hvorhen og hvordan du sender kortet / kortene.

Jenifer McGuire has a card drive over at her blog collecting cards for kids who are sick. I made these cards - one for each of the 8 children. I Hope I can make a little difference and lift up these childrens spirits by sending them a greeting all the way from Denmark. You can read more about the kids and the card drive here.
Each of these are so wonderful and darling! They suit the little ones perfectly - so thoughtful and generous of you Sanne, they will love your efforts!
These cards are so cute Sanne, I'm sure they will be much appreciated by the children and their parents.
Your cards look really beautiful and fun for children. Cute animals and shapes.
Kan da kun give dig - en super ide og søde kort du har sendt afsted
Rigtig god uge til dig
Adorable set of cards! You put the right touches on all of your creations....each one is so special!
ADORABLE set!! love them all!
Every single one of them is so darling and beautiful, Sanne! You are going to put smile on some kids face for sure!! Love all of them!
You inspire me to get moving on this very worthy project, Sanne! I'm sure the children will love them!
Sikke en sød ide og dine kort er supersøde. De kommer helt sikkert til at vække glæde.
super cute cards, Sanne!! they will LOVE those!!
These are cute, the kids will love them!!
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