" layered resist embossing"
Jeg havde inviteret min bedste veninde Pia til Hellerup for at afholde kort kursus. Pia havde designet 3 kort til kurset, hvor hun demonstrede de tre teknikker, "masking", "tone on tone" og "layerd resist embossing".
My sweet dear friend Pia held a card class at my place yesterday. She had designed 3 wonderful cards and she showed 3 different techniques "masking", "tone on tone" og "layered resist embossing".
"tone on tone"
Have a great day!
sounds like you had a fun time at the card class! very pretty cards!
Lucky you Sanne having a class in your own house, love all three cards especially the poppies. I inked up my poppy stamp yesterday love the different looks you can get with the resist technique!
Tak for i går. Det var hyggeligt, at møde dig ( igen ; ) )
Og det var en rigtig hyggelig dag.
Flotte kort du fik lavet.
Tak, fordi du lagde hus til. Bare sig til en anden gang, så kommer jeg igen ; )
Looks like a lot of fun and the cards are gorgeous! I saw that Karina was one of the lucky people to come to the class!
I'm so envious! All of your cards are wonderful!
Så flotte kort i har lavet - og hvor øv der lige var en tand for langt... men håber da vi snart ses igen ;o)
Fortsat rigtig god weekend knus
Det er nogle super flotte kort du/I fik lavet. Jeg er helt vild med det sidste. Det er elegant og enkelt og i nogle dejlige farver.
Det kunne nu have været hyggeligt at have været med på kursus og ikke mindst hilse på dig igen.
Mene skønt at se at I hyggede jer.
All of these are FABULOUS!!!! My favorite is the first one.....so stunning!
Wish I could be in Pia's class at your place!!! Looks like SO much fun! Thanks for sharing these card samples! I felt that I was there...almost :)
What fun, and how lovely to have a ctaft session in your own home! I love each card, and those great techniques! Jo x
Fun, fun, FUN! I wish I could be there! :) Your cards are soo pretty!
Tak for sidst, søde! :-)
Jeg er fuld af beundring for de kort som både du og Pia laver. I kan lave kort med så mange forskellige teknikker. Ærgerligt at I bor så langt væk fra Esbjerg, jeg ville så gerne på et kursus hos jer engang.
You were another lucky student in Pia's masking class! Now I'm going to have to get that bunny stamp--it's just too cute! Looks like it was a fun class...wish I were there!
Nej hvor sjovt, har lige set de samme kort hos Karina, og alligevel ikke! Rigtig søde kort, og så dejlige farver! Må ud og se om jeg finder flere varianter :D
What fun Sanne... it is so much fun to have a group of friends stamping and to have it lead by Pia at your house must have been so special. What lovely cards too
Wow, Sanne! These are all incredibly rich and beautiful looking cards!! What fun your class turned out to be!
Looks like you had lots of fun! And these cards are fabulous, Sanne! Love them all!
Hvor er det nogle flotte kort i fik lavet og hvor ser det hyggeligt ud :o)
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