Ooh love the first card in that beautiful blue - I think I will be going for that nice script background stamp with the winnings.... congrats on your win today too!!
Mit navn er Susanne Hollænder Andersen, men alle kalder mig SANNE :0)
Her på min blog kan du primært finde
inspiration til selv at lave kort til fødselsdage, jul og andre begivenheder eller til bare at sende en sød lille hilsen. Jeg er total fan af HeroArts, som designer nogle super lækre produkter til denne hobby. Håber du bliver inspireret og har lyst til at skrive en kommentar...
Hi and welcome to my blog! My name is Susanne, but I prefere to be called just SANNE. I create cards for birthdays, for christmas or for just at short note. I hope you will find inspiration on my blog, and feel free to leave a comment - Welcome!
All content, including text, photographs and concept design elements are Susanne H. Andersen. Content within this blog is shared for personal/non-commercial use and inspiration only. Thanks!
love them both Sanne... that fern stamp is an all time favourite of mine and in the pretty blue you have used it is lovely
So beautiful, Sanne! Love the three ferns card especially!!
skønne kort - er vild med hende den lille pige - må nok eje hende ;o)
your three fern card is gorgeous, Sanne! LOVE that blue, too! and the doll card is so adorable! love the way you colored her!
Love your cards Sanne and big congratulations on your Hero Arts win, love your little bunny card.
Love that fresh blue/aqua with the kraft! These are awesome!
Ooh love the first card in that beautiful blue - I think I will be going for that nice script background stamp with the winnings.... congrats on your win today too!!
two gorgeous cards Sanne, and congrats on your win over at Hero Arts! Jo x
Skønne kort, er helt vild med den med "Three Ferns", dejlig farver - Super...
Super lækre kort.
OG kæmpe tillykke med at du vandt på Hero Arts med dit skønne kort, med de små kaniner.
Nej nogle skønne kort som altid. Jeg er helt vild med det første kort med three Ferns. Nej, SÅ flot en blå farve du har stemplet med.
Et KÆMPE og velfortjent tillykke med dit dejlige vinderkort med de to frække kaniner. SÅDAN SANNE godt gået.
Both of these are so pretty!! Love to see that 3 Fern stamp in use again, it's one of my faves! You are working so well with blue and kraft lately!
Adorable girl and love the light blues with the kraft and the fantastic fern!
What a beauty Sanne.
Tillykke med at dit Fern kort er på Twitter ; )
God søndag til dig og din familie.
Both cards are real BEAUTIES!!!
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