There has been a lot of crying around this place today. Our dear cat Sofus had a terrible accident this morning. He fell out of our window from 3rd. floor and unfortunately we had to put him to sleep. Sofus has been with us for 15 years and he was such a sweet cat.
Best buddies!
Sleep well dear friend - we will miss you so much
Åh nej Sanne, det var dog forfærdeligt. Sikke en hård dag for jer.
Stort knus Karina
Oh Sanne ...how my heart aches for you, I am so sorry to hear about that awful accident! Our pets are really parts of our family and they sure are missed :( Sending hugs TRace
Sanne... Love to your family. I know how hard it is to have to make the decision. And having been with you for so long, its like losing a memeber of the family. Sending hugs and loves your way. Dawn xxxxxxxxx
awww.... this tears me up, Sanne. So so so sorry to hear about your cat. sending you lots and lots of big hugs, my friend.
Oh no Sanne! I am so sorry to read this! I feel for you and your family, what a beautiful cat! Thinking of you!
Ej, hvor er det træls for jer.
Kæmpe krammer fra mig
I'm SO sorry to hear this sad news...it must be heart-breaking as it is so sudden. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your love ones, Sanne! xoxox
Oh Sanne, such sad news. Thinking of you during this sad time. Fur friends passing is always so hard and Sofus was a part of your family for a long time. Remember all those precious times you had. xx
Ejj søde Sanne hvor er ejg ked af at høre dette - snøft kram og kram til Jer :o(
Åh nej, Sanne!! Hvor tragisk og trist!! Vi elsker jo de små dyr...Puh ha, jeg føler med jer, kan levende forestille mig jeres savn og sorg...er jo selv katteejer og har selv haft persere...de er unikke. Nu må i se tilbage til de 15 dejige år med Sofus...Mange tanker fra mig...
I am so sorry for your loss, Sanne! He was a such a cute cat. This photo with the dog is heartmelting!
Sending hugs,
Vanessa x
Mange tanker til jer. Det er så frygteligt at miste et husdyr, som er en del af ens familie. Jeg håber i kommer godt igennem det.
Sanne, this is so sad. I really feel for you and your family. Pets are so special and bring so much joy to our lives. Jo x
So sorry Sanne to hear about the loss of your cat it must be heartbreaking you have had him so long. Hugs to you all.
I was browsing blogs and saw the pic of your beautiful cat, then read the awful news. Please accept my condolences for the loss of your beloved pet. Laura
I am so sorry, Sanne. I know how you must feel as I have owned many of my own pets over the years. My dog, Jenny will be 16 in October. They are truly part of your family.
Oh, Sanne, soo sorry to hear of your cat, I am sending you big hugs and comfort your way, hope in time you will heal, it is so hard, I know!
Dear Sanne,
I just read about your cat..so sorry! Our pets are like family and I hope you have lots of photos of Sofus to bring you happy memories. Big hugs!
Aw - so sorry to hear about your cat, I know exactly how that feels.
So sorry about your loss. Hugs to you.
Åh nej søde Sanne, det er jeg rigtig ked af at høre.
Et stort kram til dig.:)
Oh sweet Sanne, I just read this today. I am so very sorry. I am praying for you and your family. Big hugs.
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