Her til morgen har Nikolaj det bedre og vi håber han bliver helt frisk i løbet af et par dage. Mandag til torsdag i næste uge skal han nemlig med skolen til Berlin - en tur han har glædet sig til længe. Tak for alle jeres søde hilsner - det varmer en mors hjerte :)
This morning Nikolaj is feeling much better but he will have to stay home from school the rest of the week. Monday till Thursday next week he will go to Berlin (Germany) with his school a journey he has been looking forward to for a very long time. Thanks for all your kind and conserning comments - really means a lot to me :)
Oh Sanne, what a sweet boy! Glad to hear that he's not going back to the hospital - at least he can recover at home! Hope he is all better for his much awaited trip! Take care and get lots of rest!
So happy to hear he is better! I have never been to Berlin;)
Hej Sanne.
Nej en omgang I har været igennem. Det tærre godt på ens tålmodighed og kræfter. Det er rigtig træls når ens guldklumper ikke er på toppen, men det er da godt at det går bedre nu.
Forsat godbedring til Nikolaj.
Godt at høre at han er i bedring.
Du må have en god dag.
Sanne, Glad to hear that your son is feeling so much better. Wishing him a speedy recovery and a great trip to Berlin. Bet he will have a wonderful journey.
Glad he is feeling better and hopefully he will be 100 percent for his trip. Love the picture!
Such good news, hope he has a great time in Berlin! Jo x
Det var godt han har fået det bedre. Øv, for en forskrækkelse.
So glad to hear he is feeling better...just keep your motherly eye on him, and trust your gut feelings...mom's are always right! I am a nurse...and I ALWAYS listen very carefully to the mothers!!!!
Hope he has fun in Berlin!
Goodness Sanne so happy he's feeling better! He certainly is hansome! Hugs,Kathy Thanks for sharing :)
Glad to hear he is feeling better!!
Utroligt - hvem kunne have vidst at du var sådan en it-haj - jeg er imponeret. John
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